Monday, April 12, 2010

Kudos to the RNC for a Masterful Conference

Dear RNC,

Congratulations for your successful Southern Republican Leadership Conference.  We know it's important not to show your cards to the democrats too far in advance, so we commend you for masterfully concealing your 2012 strategic plan.  That will certainly keep your opponents on their toes, and excite the GOP base as they  anticipate your clever moves that lie ahead.  With conservatives fired up and health care reform weakening Obama's support among independent's, the GOP will finally be able to return common sense to the White House.  We don't mind waiting to hear how you plan to get there, because we know the GOP is the party on the right side of the issues.

It's always great to see Sarah, we all love her you know.  We love it when she says stuff like "time to reload", and "yucca mountain is a perfectly safe place to store nuclear waste", and "snake oil science stuff that is based on this global warming, Gore-gate stuff", because we know she's just firing up the base--but admittedly, we're a little concerned that some folks might actually think she's serious.  All in all though, she did an excellent job of entertaining the media and filling time.  In a long conference, we know it's hard to keep everyone's attention when you can't really talk about your plan--it's just too early for that.

And coaxing the attendees to vote for Romney in the straw poll--that was a classic!  Putting Romney at the center of attention was a perfect way to obfuscate the party's intent.  The dems are going to spend all their time preparing to defend Obamacare against Romneycare, and they won't be ready for the bait-and-switch that is undoubtedly coming later.  Simply masterful!  We know there's no way you guys are going to consider fixing health care again, but what a fabulous distraction.

As Sarah lovers, we really hope you have a plan for getting her in and out of the 2012 race without tarnishing her reputation.  We certainly need her to get the various nut-Party's teed up, but please help her gracefully exit before the GOP primary debates.  Not only would she steal the limelight from your candidates of choice, the left wing media might make them say things about Sarah that are disrespectful, and she doesn't deserve that!

So again, thanks for the entertainment and we look forward to a grand slam victory in 2012!


The RNC Raw Raw Team

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